Handmade with Love: The Story Behind Sleepy Monkey’s Montessori Floor Beds

At Sleepy Monkey, every Montessori floor bed we craft carries a story woven with love, dedication, sleep deprivation and a genuine desire to make bedtime a joyful experience for children and parents alike. Our journey began with a simple mission: to help our own son sleep better.

The Beginning of our Story: A Sleepless Journey

As parents, we understand the trials and tribulations of bedtime. Our son, like many babies and toddlers, detested his cot. He struggled to sleep alone, rolled so much he would kick or headbutt every side of the cot and yearned for the comfort of a cuddle. Night after night, we found ourselves battling to get him to sleep, and like many parents, we were desperate for a solution. That’s when the idea of a Montessori floor bed came into our lives. Sounds like an easy solution, right? Except we were in the middle of the pandemic, dealing with border closures, timber shortages and two sleep-deprived parents who were going crazy. Remember when we weren’t allowed to leave the house? Yep crazy times.

A DIY Solution: Building the First Bed

Determined to find a better way (and after attempting and failing many sleep training techniques because I’m too weak to follow through), we delved into the world of Montessori principles, which emphasise independence and freedom for children. The concept of a floor bed struck a chord with us. We believed that allowing our son the freedom to get in and out of bed on his own terms might be the key to a better night’s sleep.

One weekend, armed with a few tools, some wood and a lot of determination (and a LOT of help from my father-in-law – thanks Dougie!), we set out to build our son’s first floor bed. 

A Bedtime Transformation

The transformation was almost immediate. Our son took to his new bed with excitement and curiosity. He loved the freedom it offered and bedtime became less of a struggle. He could snuggle up with his favourite books and toys, and when he needed a cuddle, we could lie beside him easily. The floor bed gave him a sense of security and independence, and most importantly, it helped him sleep better.

Seeing how much our bed transformed our son’s sleep and brought more happiness to our family, we knew we had to share it with others who might be facing similar challenges. It wasn’t long before every time we mentioned our bedtime victory to friends or family, they were asking us to build them a floor bed too!

Fast forward three years, throw in another baby, and here we are—Sleepy Monkey was born. What started as a simple solution for our little one has grown into something that’s helping families everywhere create their own bedtime wins.

The Birth of Sleepy Monkey

Fueled by our bedtime success with our two boys, we decided to turn our personal project into a business that could help other parents and children. That’s how Sleepy Monkey was born. As a husband and wife team, we committed ourselves to crafting high-quality, handmade Montessori floor beds that prioritise safety, comfort and independence.

Our Mission

Our mission at Sleepy Monkey is simple: to nurture dreams and inspire play. We believe that every child deserves a safe, cozy, and inviting place to sleep and explore. Our Montessori floor beds are designed to provide just that. Each bed is handcrafted with love, using sustainably sourced Australian hoop pine, and certified Australian-made to ensure the highest quality.

The Craftsmanship

Crafting each bed is a meticulous process that we take great pride in. From selecting the finest wood to the final touches of sanding and finishing, every step is carried out with care and precision. We believe that the love and hard work we put into each bed can be felt by the families who use them. Our beds are built to last and designed to support children as they grow and develop.

Listening to Our Customers

One of the most rewarding aspects of our journey has been connecting with other parents. We love hearing stories from families who have benefited from our beds. Their feedback and experiences inspire us to continually improve and innovate. We understand that every child is unique, and we strive to create beds that meet a variety of needs and preferences.

The Sleepy Monkey Difference

What sets Sleepy Monkey apart is our unwavering commitment to quality and our personal touch. As parents, we know the importance of a good night’s sleep and the impact it has on a child’s well-being and development (and our mental health). That’s why we put so much care into every bed we make.

Benefits of Montessori Floor Beds

Our Montessori floor beds offer numerous benefits:

– Promotes Independence: Allows children to get in and out of bed on their own, fostering a sense of autonomy.

– Enhances Safety: Low to the ground, reducing the risk of falls.

– Encourages Exploration: Gives children the freedom to explore their environment safely.

– Supports Better Sleep: Helps establish a calming bedtime routine, leading to more restful nights.

– Fosters Development: Aids in the development of motor skills and decision-making.

A Message to Our Customers

At Sleepy Monkey, we are more than just a business; we are a family dedicated to helping other families. We understand the challenges of parenting and the desire to provide the best for our children. That’s why we are committed to creating products that make a positive difference.

To all the parents out there, we want you to know that we are here for you. If you have any questions, concerns or just need some advice, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We love connecting with our customers and hearing how our beds have made a difference in their lives.

Looking Ahead

As we continue to grow, our commitment to quality, craftsmanship, and customer satisfaction remains steadfast. We are excited about the future and the opportunity to bring the benefits of Montessori floor beds to even more families. Our journey started with a simple need to help our son sleep better, and it has blossomed into a mission to nurture dreams and inspire play for children everywhere.

Thank you for being a part of the Sleepy Monkey family. Together, we can create a world where bedtime is a delightful adventure, and every child has the opportunity to explore, dream, and grow.

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